By: Yvette Owens

Welcome to my interactive Blog.  This is a safe space for us to engage in conversation around the topic of "Conquering Corporate enemies.  Feel free to leave your comments below.  ​​


Knowing that your goals and what you see for your future are far beyond where you currently are is frustrating without a doubt. Not knowing how to grow into where you want to go is disappointing.  Those who can help and are responsible for your development, at times, are the very ones telling you what you can’t do, creating barriers to your success.

Your success is important not only to you but also to the world. The world is waiting for you to show up with your ideas, creativity, support and contributions to make a positive difference. Your voice matters to help shape the next best product or service or team. However there are times in the workplace that we must fight to remain in the game.

  • -  Are you able to continue growing and learning in an environment that is less supportive than it should be?
  • -  Are you able to be your best authentic self everyday in the workplace?
  • -  Is your voice being heard and influencing the results you and your organization experience?
  • -  Are you performing and transforming to a greater version of yourself everyday?

Book Reviews

Hi Yvette,
I saw your book on LinkedIn and downloaded it on Kindle.  I have read the entire thing in one day!  Thank you for having the courage to write it and share your experiences and stories.  I just finished a Masters of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership, so your book was fascinating to me!   A lot of what you encourage for leaders and employees are the concepts I believe in and have learned in the program.  I really enjoyed your style of writing.  I will always remember that you helped me through a very difficult time at work and I am grateful for your kindness during that time. 
Congrats on publishing this book and I wish you great things on the journey ahead. 
               Erica Dougall